jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

The European Passport

I have lived in Spain for over thirty years, but I still hold a UK passport. I now have the right to become a Spanish citizen, as I have lived and worked here for so long and have a Spanish wife.
However I have put off applying for Spanish citizenship because I was hoping that one day soon we would all of us become simply Europeans, and the whole idea of Spanish, British, French, German etc passports would become a thing of the past. Much like the peseta, the franc, the mark.
Now, with Brexit, my best laid plans have been spoilt. Once again the old divisions. I must choose to be either one or the other – inclusion is not an option.
The creation of a European passport does not appear to be on the agenda. Perhaps it is time to promote the idea, for the sake of unity and a feeling that project Europe is not just a hopeless dream but an inevitable, desirable, attainable future.

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