martes, 10 de enero de 2012


I am a rat. I left the sinking ship and managed to scramble aboard a boat bound for the Mediterranean. It was not a shipwreck, was not as spectacular as that. Rather It was that the vessel, a battleship turned cruiser, then reconverted once more into a ferry, was too old for the job, and leaked more than  soldier Manning. It was sinking slowly, and is sinking still.
I am a rat, but not a dirty one.  I was fortunate enough to see it coming, and said so. As the Spanish say, ‘el que avisa no es traidor’, he who gives warning is no traitor. There was not one great hole through which the water came flooding in, but a thousand little cracks seeping seawater.
Britain is not a Police State; it is an Administrative State. The four pillars on which this great land now rests are the Law, the Banks, the Social Services and Health and Safety (please read insurance companies and their lawyers). Another fine mesh you’ve gotten me into.
An anecdote.
In Spain the Three Wise Men, known as The Three Kings, come bearing gifts on the 6th of January. There is a traditional parade on the 5th where men in disguise throw sweets to the thousands of children and parents that line the streets. It appears that one King threw his sweet missiles with too much impetus and struck a woman in the face. She decided to take the incident to court, no doubt in search of some kind of compensation. The Judge assigned to the case gave his ruling. He had been unable to ascertain the whereabouts of said King, as he was a foreigner and had no fixed abode in Spain.  Case closed.
Now I wonder what would have happened in Britain?

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